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Tune Into 2025


You are invited to a potent and powerful way to
envision, activate, and bless the New Year.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025
1pm to 4pm

at Sanctuary Yoga
Investment: $125

"It feels as if every Tuning In for over twenty years has brought us to this moment in time."

​~ Robin


A clarion call has been initiated across time and space, inviting us to step beyond the limiting beliefs that are restricting the scope of our lives. The times are calling for us to move beyond our current constraints and shift into the flow of limitless potential.


There are scientifically-measurable streams of radiant energy flowing from the center of the Galaxy into this Solar System. This cyclical awakening is meant to motivate dynamic shifts in consciousness that will vibrate down through every level of Being transforming all life on Earth.


This initiating energy holds the power to activate new levels of awareness and awaken dormant capabilities.  The energy anatomy needs to be tuned and upleveled in order for us to access and integrate this energy. Once tuned in, the hidden potential of the soul will be awakened and activated.


Tuning In 2025 will create a space for energetic shifts and conscious awakening that will empower you to envision and activate your latent power, potential and purpose.


Tune Into 2025  ~ The Process


It is my honor as an experienced and wise counsel to support your journey.   Together we will utilize...  


  • An invocation to create sacred space and to align with the Infinite and our Spiritual Supporters.


  • An opportunity to be honored and witnessed within a supportive community.


  • A 2024 review to forgive the mistakes and challenges, bless the opportunities and integrate the wisdom gained, and bring the best forward into the New Year.


  •  Guided Energywork to clear, harmonize and uplevel the Energy Anatomy.


  •  Ancient Breathwork Meditations to create the bridge between your Self and the expanded wisdom of your Soul.


  • A Quest that will support the clarification and actualization of your power, potential and purpose in 2025.  


  • In conclusion, you will create a Manifesto to affirm, activate, summarize and support your goals for 2025.


A workbook is included.  Registration is required as space is limited.




This class will take place at Sanctuary Yoga in Kalamazoo.  If you have a mat, bring it. Otherwise, a mat and bolster will be provided.  Dress in comfortable clothes.  Chairs will be available, if that would be more comfortable.


The quest will include a tarot spread.  Please bring a waite-style deck.


It is a lengthy class so you are welcomed to bring a lunch and water bottle.  Healthy snacks and water will be available.


I do request that you refrain from any substances that would alter your awareness during our time together.  







  • A sacred practice to envision, activate and affirm the New Year.

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    125 US dollars
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