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Writer's pictureRobin Whitaker

March Blessings


Change is upon us. This is a month with much to offer as we shift from winter into the potential that spring brings. We are deep into the Lenten season with Easter arriving on March 31st. The next few weeks hold the power of surrender and release; a perfect time to shed away the winter woes and prepare to begin again in spring.

As part of my Lenten contemplation, I am aware of the contrast between my inner world and my outer reality. Spiritual practice can be the bridge between the two realities creating an opportunity to dissipate the contrast and construct a coherence. I am so happy to share that my family is experiencing some miraculous shifts. The blessings are motivating an expansion in my practice. Why not bless the entire world?!

I invite you to join me tomorrow for a sacred prayer practice that I will be sharing at Wisdom Circle from 2pm to 4pm. The group is a compassionate spiritual community that is open to all. The Mastermind Visioning Prayer was something that I modified from Jack Boland’s work with Unity Church. Rev. Neltje Brawer, Rev. Sharon Zinser and I offered Mastermind Visioning at Reunion Center on Thursday mornings in the early 2000s. This practice contributed mightily to all that I am today. It is a prayer which is also useful as a personal practice on a forty-day journey.

For over twenty years, I have honored my shamanic wise women self and hosted gatherings to celebrate the seasonal shifts. Just as prayer practice is an essential part of who I am, so too are nature-based practices. Earth is our Mother – ancient, wise, shakti-powerful. When we honor the sacredness of earth and nature, our spirits become strengthened. When we attune to the seasonal flow, we are better able to shift with the changes that are ever upon us.

On Saturday, March 23rd, I will be offering a Saturday Yoga Retreat in honor of the Spring Equinox. Let us flow in harmony with a seasonal blessing of our chakras to best prepare for the season ahead.

Most notably, I am preparing to offer an extraordinary energy training. As requested, this training will meet the requirements for Reiki Mastership. However, to honor my sacred self, it will be so much more than that. I have surrendered to the wisdom of the Infinite. This series of workshops will be spiritually centered, with sacred ceremonial practices and energy activations, as I share my years of energy wisdom, experience, and training. My vision for this time is to awaken and increase your innate healing potential by expanding your direct connection to your Highest Self and the Infinite (the only sustainable source of energy) with “recipes” for self-transformation and healing services. This training is applicable for personal spiritual development and for all healing professionals. If you have studied with me before, the workshops will be available to you on a donation basis.

As I immerse myself into the art of healing therapies, I have become acutely aware that I need to better communicate the true power of Kundalini Yoga. Most sincerely, it is the original somatic healing therapy, as it holds a cannon of 8000+ kriyas that were considered so powerful they were practiced in secret for thousands of years.  This ancient wisdom is holistic as it works on the body, emotions, mind, soul, and spirit. We are living in times when most people are dealing with some degree of trauma. Drs Peter Levine and Bessel Vanderkolk (among others) have taught us that our subconscious memories are held (stuck) in our cells and tissues. The ancient practices that I am sharing hold the power to heal trauma from this life. The effects can extend beyond one lifetime transforming karmic patterns and ancestral wounding into positive new potentials.

I am an energy therapist. I interpret energy in the energy anatomy, the chakras, the physical body, the emotions, the levels of the mind, the soul, in past lives, in the experiences of our ancestors and in the patterns held in our akashic records. The combination of conscious breathwork, eye gaze, body movements, hand positions, and vibrational sounds hold the power to deeply shift your energy, transforming your life and uplifting your situation. This is why I teach Kundalini Yoga. It is the ultimate self-healing practice. You are always welcome to join me on Friday mornings at 10am. Package discounts are available on my website.

May this time for you be blessed with gentle shifts in awareness, creativity, healing and peace. 

With love,




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